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  • What sets the Good Questions Engagement Report Service apart?

    • Being a third party, Good Questions Engagement Report removes unintentional bias from questions (content and copy). Good Questions Engagement Report also gives synagogues the opportunity to benchmark performance. This is a turn-key operation with little involvement from synagogue staff or lay leadership.

  • How is the research conducted (e.g., online, in-person, anonymous)? How is data privacy ensured?

    • Good Questions Engagement Report will be conducted online in a secure portal, with the option to have responses anonymous so that respondents feel comfortable sharing opinions.​

  • How are the Engagement Report results presented to the synagogue?

    • Data will be delivered to the synagogue in a presentation-ready format, including analysis of areas of strength and opportunities for improvement.​

  • Are there any additional services provided, such as custom questions or actionable recommendations?

    • Yes! You may also speak with Good Questions Coaching about adding on customized questions​ (3 are included in the Standard Subscription) and recommendations. You can also engage Good Questions Coaching to do custom research on a different topic.

  • What is the cost?

    • For 2 Engagement Reports, Post High Holiday and Annual Membership Check-in, the cost is $1,000


  • Are there any strategies provided to encourage participation from the congregation?

    • Let your community know in advance that a questionnaire will be coming

    • Explain why you are asking members to participate in the Engagement Report

    • Share the link with fanfare and a reminder about why each person's feedback is important to the community

    • You can consider ways to reward participants, such as a drawing from the email addresses of those who answered

  • Are there specific types or sizes of synagogues you are targeting (e.g., Reform, Conservative, Orthodox, small, large)?​​

    • We are happy to work with all congregations and believe that all congregations could benefit from Good Questions Engagement Report.​

  • Could we do market research on a different topic?

    • Yes! We'd be happy to work with you to create custom market research on any topic that you need for your community. 

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