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Parsha Inspired Menus - Metzora

This Friday dinner can be tricky. I know a number of people will have already turned over the kitchen for Passover in order to get started on Passover cooking. So, this week all of the items I'm

including could be made with kosher l'pesach products. You can even cook it all in the kosher kitchen in disposable tins, eat it on paper plates in another room and have it with challah! This week we continue to read about tzarat, the scaly affliction that impacts skin, cloth, and houses! This parsha gives detailed information about the required sacrifices needed to purified someone afflicted.

For example, after other rituals with the blood of small birds and shaving off of hair "On the eighth day that person shall take two male lambs without blemish, one ewe lamb in its first year without blemish, three-tenths of a measure of choice flour with oil mixed in for a meal offering, and one log of oil." to be sacrificed by the priest. There's a lot of verses about the blood of the birds and the guilt offering, the lambs and ewes, and the log of oil. (Interesting side note, the log measurement is really only mentioned in this parsha.) So, the three suggested items play on these items related to the sacrifice.

  1. Lamb meatballs - this could be an appetizer, main, or side. With the warmer weather, a lighter meat dish might pair well with a lot of veggies. (for Pesach ingredients, sub matza meal for breadcrumbs and fresh spice containers). This is well-timed both for the parsha and as a nod to Pesach coming. Our family always kept with the tradition that we specifically DON'T eat lamb at seder because we aren't doing the Pesach offering, but the Shabbat before works!

  2. Red wine vinagrette - whatever salad you're making, make a simple red wine vinaigrette to symbolize the oil and blood. When it separates, you'll see both colors.

  3. Almond flour olive oil lemon cake - I just saw this recipe posted by a friend (thanks, Debi!) who raved about it and said it's good and happens to be gluten free, sugar free, and kosher for Passover. The fat used in the baking is olive oil to highlight the log of oil.

1/4 cup lemon infused olive oil ( you can use plain )

1/4 cup fresh lemon juice

1/3 cup maple syrup

A whole lemon zest

1 tsp vanilla

2 cups almond flour

1/2 teaspoon baking powder

1/2 teaspoon baking soda

I added wet ingredients and hand blender and then added dry.

Poured in parchment lined 7 “ round.

350° for 30 - 35 min.

Shabbat Shalom & B'Tayavon!

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