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To Begin Again - Parsha Inspired Menus 5785

I have a few favorite books and I have read and re-read them, each time finding something new in the language or story, but even with my very favorites I did not immediately re-start the book

after finishing reading it. The exception, of course, is the Torah. As we near that moment this year, when we finish with the last line of D’varim and then smoothly move into the first line of Bereshit, I can feel the excitement of starting again.

I’m not the first (nor likely the last) to say that each time we come to the Torah we get new lessons because we change, or the world changes around us, and so we find new meaning and messages in the text.

For me, I found new meaning this past year through the efforts of consistently finding menu-related connections for each week’s Parsha Inspired Menus. Some weeks it was easy, some were a bit more of a challenge, but each time there was something new and wonderful to discover in the text and then, when the creativity to find the right food hit the mark - Zing! It was awesome.

If you haven’t had a chance to check out the weekly posts on my blog before, you can do a little catch-up reading now as we get ready to start the new cycle. (Some favorites to check out - Parshat Mishpatim and Witches Brew, Parshat Terumah & Options for Gold, Silver, & Copper, and Parshat Ki Tavo’s Ramen Amen.) If you’ve been following along, get ready for the next round!

An early Chag Sameach,


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