Parsha Inspired Menus - Vayakhel
In many ways, this parsha is a review of the information in earlier parshiot. We read the details of the creation of the Mishkan, the...
Parsha Inspired Menus - Vayakhel
Day 150 - Still Counting
The Power of "Thinking of You"
Parsha-Inspired Menus - Ki Tisa
Parsha-Inspired Menus - Tetzaveh
Parsha Inspired Menus - Terumah
Celebrate Bagels & Lox on Friday, February 9th!
Parsha Inspired Menus - Mishpatim
Lev el Lev - National Wear Red Day
Parsha Inspired Menus - Yitro
The importance of an Obi-Wan Kenobi Shirt
They can't be forgotten
Parsha Inspired Menus - B'Shallach
Fluttering at the Nova Music Festival Memorial
Counting the Days
Parsha Inspired Menus - Bo
Parsha Inspired Menus - Va'era
Parsha-Inspired Menus - Shemot
At the turn of the year...
Parsha-Inspired Menus - Vayechi